Participate in Less Mow May this Spring

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Participate in Less Mow May this Spring

On March 11, the City Council amended its No Mow May resolution to adopt Resolution 2024-23 in support of Less Mow May, which better reflects guidance to protect pollinators.  

Less Mow May encourages residents to mow their yards less frequently and/or raise the height of their mower blades during the month of May. This can help protect overwinter habitats and allow flowering plants to bloom, providing early-season nectar for pollinators such as bees, birds, and beetles.

Interested in purchasing a yard sign? The City is selling Less Mow May yard signs for $15, including tax. Signs are 24”w x 18”h and include a metal stake. To purchase, stop by City Hall (3989 Central Ave NE) between 8 am - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. To reserve a sign, call 763-706-3615.

Above: A Less Mow May Sign.
