CHPD Authored Professional Journal Articles

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An Exercise in Developing an Understanding of Our Partners Across the Ocean
Chief Scott Nadeau reflects on an exchange trip with Lomianki, Poland. The Chief, two sergeants and an officer traveled to Poland. They learned about the similarities and differences in different environment.
An Exercise in Developing an Understanding of Our Partners Across the Ocean

The Rise of the Educated Officer and the Death of the Keystone Kop:
A review of College Education and Law Enforcement authored by Sergeant Erik Johnston and Sergeant Justin Pletcher
The Rise of the Educated Officer

The Rebirth of Community Policing
The following is an academic case study completed by Deborah S. DeMeester, Donald LaMagdeleine, and Cari Norton of the University of St. Thomas. This study examines community policing in the United States and examines the Columbia Heights Police Department as a case study relating to their research. Chief Scott Nadeau, Captain Lenny Austin, and Sergeant Erik Johnston collaborated and assisted the researchers on this project.
The Rebirth of Community Policing

Community Policing Efforts in Columbia Heights, Minnesota
This is an article that appears in the September 2015 edition of The Police Chief magazine

Your Department's Culture and its Influence Attracting and Retaining Non-Traditional Candidates
This is an article that appears in the Summer 2015 edition of Minnesota Police Chief magazine

In Favor of a Collaborative Law Enforcement Approach to Assisting Those with Mental Illness
This is an article that appears in the Fall 2012 edition of Minnesota Police Chief magazine

The Many Degrees of Community Oriented Policing
A academic paper and survey authored by Chief Scott Nadeau, Sergeant Erik Johnston, and Dr. Matthew J. Stiehm. The paper looks in depth at resident's responses to a survey. It also shares recommendations for transitioning to community oriented policing.
The Many Degrees of Community Oriented Policing